1080 – Environmental Mana from the Sky

Greenie Academic Fiction writer

Greenie Academic Fiction writer

No matter what side of the 1080 – monosodium flouroacetate – environmental poisoning program, both here and in New Zealand one sits on; at the end of this lead-in, is a reasonably comprehensive little story out of New Zealand, all parties and individuals may wish to read.

New Zealand is the pariah to some and the saviour to many – in global terms – when it comes to the use of this pest control process. Un-surprisingly; the anti-1080 movement are forever asking as a spoiling tactic, for testing to be done; testing which has been done so many times before, but the results are never to the liking of these protestors.

It matters not how many times one watches the same race; no amount of reviewing the final outcome will change the result. Just weariness on the part of those involved from having been subjected to the ever persistent and dogmatic views driving the opposition.

Now the fishermen/anglers of New Zealand’s wilderness rivers are at it, and once more, the authorities are doing as they should to appease the concerned and conducting yet again, more trials.
Forget the well published facts from reputable sources where almost ever since 1080 has been under the scrutiny of scientists; it has been known the poison – monosodium flouroacetate – in either rain or flowing water, breaks down to a harmless substance very quickly indeed. The hyperlinked text below here will take you to such a site, but there are many more if one wishes to search.

Naturally occurring bacteria and fungi found in soil, water and bait materials readily break down 1080. It therefore does not cause a build-up of toxic residues in soil, water or plants. 1080’s persistence in the environment depends on rainfall, temperature and amount of bacteria present.

There is considerable variation in susceptibility between species of animals. Dogs and foxes are the most susceptible of all animals to 1080. In general, birds show considerably more resistance than mammals. Cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and fish are the most resistant.

More, again from the Queensland DAFF site

Here are some interesting examples of calculations detailing the risks to humans and wildlife:

• One of the risks of 1080 is the leaching of the 1080 from the impregnated baits due to rainfall. If an area were heavily poisoned using 8 kilos of 6 milligram of wild dog baits per hectare ( containing 48 mg of 1080 per kilogram of bait ), and all of this was leached out due to 50mm of rain, an individual person would need to drink 169 271 L of contaminated water before receiving a lethal dose.

• If a hunter shot a 60kg feral pig that was in the latent period following ingestion of 3kg of 1080 bait (at a rate of 1152mg 1080/kg), and based on the unlikely assumption that half the ingested poison has become evenly distributed through the carcass, that hunter would need to eat 36.1 kg in one sitting before being at risk.

Now New Zealand is without doubt, the laboratory of all laboratories where this substance is concerned, and it is what happens and what the science finds devoid of propaganda from this nation; where all others such as Australia should look to when considering its use.

Click here and read the story by Andrew Stone of the ‘The New Zealand Herald’

Brumbyy (With 2Ys)



The Fictional Engineers Sourcing Brumby Slaughter

Investigations have uncovered these hidden agenda makers, without peer review, have rammed their unqualified opinions on government now set in concrete from which grew the Colong Foundation and National Parks Association pushing dogma as gospel. Our parliament of fools keep funding these  and many other snake oil peddlers, as universities teach their findings to the phD’s who now write the rules.

Alex Costin, a fellow of the academy of science, made the following statement:

He finds it difficult to understand biology

He also is quote as saying: “Cooma is an inbred town”

Horse eradication order

To take this so called independent report of so called management referring to the people,  they would recommendall Australians be eradicate and reduce the boat people intake.

Massacre fall out Lake Gregory

lake gregory 3On October 30th hundreds of Arabian Brumbies at Lake Gregory were shot from the air by a sniper, hired from the Dept. of Agriculture and using a helicopter paid for with tax payers money.

This ‘cull’ had been ordered by the Pastoral Lands Board, a section of the Dept of Rural Development and Lands in Western Australia, which delegates pastoral leases.

The lease of Lake Gregory Station is held by the Aboriginal Lands Trust, a section of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs.

A private pastoralist has asked to sub-lease Lake Gregory from the ALT to put cattle out for the live export trade.

Excuses touted by government for this ‘cull’ were that there were too many horses

Pastoral Lands Board, Rob Gillam said 9,000, Dept.Aboriginal Affairs said 5,620,

The Aboriginal Community members said up to 2,000.

Wild Horses Kimberley had 2 teams drive around the entire area twice and counted

up to a mere 500.

A second excuse by government was that horses were getting stuck in mud.

Wild Horses Kimberley asked the ALT 5 years ago to invest in equipment to create safe water points around the lake and get old bores running again; nothing happened.

Horses attempted to get water from a dam at Balgo because the troughs next to the dam hadn’t been filled by the residents.

A third excuse by government was that ‘overgrazing’ was occurring. They thought that horses were eating grasses that should have been available for cattle. But scientific proof shows that horses only eat the tops of grasses and cattle eat the lower areas. Cattle and horses can exist together.(Princeton University study-see WHK website). Government now plans to put thousands more cattle onto this area. This will cause massive environmental damage to the lake as cattle wallow in water and trample flora.

After the ‘cull’ horses were left dying. Dept. Agriculture estimated that about 1% did not die after the initial shot. This means that many horses suffered agonizing slow death in 40d heat.

RSPCA, which supported the aerial ‘cull’ has not found an excuse for this.

Reports from the lake say that

*dead horses have been left everywhere and are contaminating the area, including the water for the remaining horses, cattle, wildlife, birds and fish.

*requests for funds to get old bores working to provide fresh water have been ignored.

*requests to humanely manage horse numbers using infertility drug Pzp on mares and gelding, stallions, passive trapping for re-homing, have all been ignored.

The Lake Gregory horses are a valuable asset to the three Aboriginal Communities living at Lake Gregory. Introduced Arabians at Balgo by the Pallotine priest Father John McGuire have developed into strong bloodlines which the Sheik of Dubai, Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum sought out and managed to take 13 Lake Gregory horses to Dubai for endurance riding in 2007. Most of these horses live near Mulan where the people have grown up respecting and loving their horses. At the third community Mindibungu (Bililuna) the Percheron bloodlines were introduced along with Arabians to produce very big heavy strong horses, much valued by horsemen all over the world.

Wild Horses Kimberley will continue to save and protect the wild horses, raising funds to provide safe areas where they can be managed and allowed to run free to spread the indigenous seed, create fire breaks with their tracks, keep the grasses down to prevent fires.

Governments throughout the world must be educated to understand the ways of the wild horse and their benefit to our environment. Killing horses en masse must never be allowed to happen again.

Elizabeth Lovegrove

Wild Horses Kimberley
