Noeline Franklin Reports

Noeline Franklin is a scientist from a  family with 160 year association with the Snowy much of that time raising sheep cattle and horses while participating actively in many aspects of farming fencing, stock husbandry, purchase of sires, weed and pest animal control, pasture management etc.

Formal education at the Universities of New England Armidale, and Medical School at Newcastle obtaining B Sc (Hons) PTC M Med Sc. She worked for the divisions of Animal Health & Animal Production CSIRO for 16 years agricultural research into development of the immune system & livestock vaccine production in sheep, dairy and feedlot beef cattle.

Having been a Director on the Yass RLPB board for some years, Noeline has the background that covers most of the problems facing farmers in current times, never afraid to speak out, but always feared to be interviewed for fear of a true story in lieu of the media controlled platforms constructed to confuse and mislead the people.

After years of research to be rejected or restained with interviews and publishing papers to inform people both as a scientist and my farming experience and other platforms, Noeline has associated with SOS-NEWS who do publish facts and castigate fiction for which and appreciates being part of the team.

Backs to the wall, there now is an army of resistance emerging from the once passive rural families who have now – “Had Enough”- now arming themselves with factual information to overturn the academic engineered fiction that is being presented to government in support of unworkable legislation designed it would seem to remove families from farming in Australia.

As decades of false science now revealing it’s devastating impact on our environment, food security and bio-diversity, Noeline is exposing these taxpayer funded agendas, costing BILLION’$ each year, with serious researched irrefutable evidence that will cause panic defence ant any cost from those involved in this programed destruction of Australia.

Contact Noeline at

More Information: Noeline has further post at SOS-NEWS archives –


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