Peter Spencer Hits WA

Speakers Enlighten WA people on Land Rights

Pastoralists and Graziers Association (PGA) held a monumental event involving property rights in Perth on Thursday 28th February, with prominent guest speaker Mr Peter Spencer (pictured) accompanied by June Weston of the Commonwealth Property Protection Association.

His presentation delivery had the walls of the Hyatt trembling, such passion, factual truth and Peters absolute lack of fear, was an awakening of the docile Western Australians – Peter is a walking testimony of this statements.

A question asked of Mr. Spencer and Director of Legislative Reform, Water Reform Project Mr Roberts to define the difference in wording and meaning of stealing and vesting?

Mr. Spencer defined that applying licences to water was stealing, as it erodes or blights the original land contract.

Mr Roberts tried in vain to convey that by applying water licenses and controlling what people can use, the overall community would have a vested interest and benefit. The benefit he referred for the community he did not clarified.

Mr Spencer’s resonating response was – “stealing is stealing – a spade is a spade”.

June Weston was extremely informative on an area we in WA are lacking, using the dictionary for government acts.

An act, be it Local, State or Federal all have dictionaries, and it is to these we cross reference word by word that they comply with the original act. June also advised that we already have legislation in place to protect rights, it is up to the politicians to ensure they are used and upheld. So I am sure there are many politicians doing diligent homework on this.

Two reports that had substantial inquiries, The impact of state government actions, and processes on the use and enjoyment of freehold and leasehold land in Western Australia.

The 7th report was released in 2004.of the standing committee on the public administration in relation to the impact of State Government activities and processes on the use of freehold and leasehold land in Western Australia.

This encompasses 683 pages and 37 recommendations, we are the year 2008, four years on, not ONE recommendation has been implemented.

An inquiry from the current government report has been swept under the carpet. The importance to land owners and its substantial cost should be bought to the publics attention through a media or news release , that its the 7th report not enacted upon.

Law reform project 98

This report also needs mention, as it has a major impact on the erosion of property rights which the community are completely unaware of the ramifications in this document.

The WA new opposition leader Troy Buswell, delivered a very promising speech on his strong support of property rights. Hopefully between the new environment religion and property owners they find the right balance, because the current Government have made no pretence in the interests of the people. The liberals have history with property rights State and Federal, to which the people have lost faith, it is this faith of the people the liberals must restore.

Jennifer Marohasy from IPA provided documented evidence of the rainfall graphs, as premier Alan Carpenter stated that from 1970 rainfall had decreased by 30%, the graphs from reputable agencies that Ms Marohasy presented did not show any such decrease. facts are good research material.

Leo Killigrew from West Australian Property Rights introduced the new religion environment movement and the impact it is having with property rights, and since there introduction, the fast erosion upon our rights they have had.

The PGA must be congratulated and fully supported in property rights, as they had the perfect blend for this seminar, the lack of media from ABC or the West Australian was noted and expected for they have to appease their political and corporate masters.

For communities who are having property blighted, get in touch with Peter Spencer and his team, they are realist and lovely people.

This is there contacts:

To conclude, it is up to all Australians to take an active part in protecting what our forefathers left for us to pass on – intact – to next generations. Our property rights are a foundation to a house of cards, current political activities want this foundation removed.

A big thanks to SOS-NEWS that we have the opportunity through diligent and time consuming research presented in their media we can all share and be informed at all times.

Linda Macri
Western Australia